2024 Launch Canada

Flight Profile

1. Ignition

Propellent is successfully ignited and the payload activated.

T +0s

Alt: 0m

Speed: 0m/s

2. Powered Flight

Powered by the Cesaroni 8187M1545-P M class motor, the rocket reaches it’s top speed.

T +6.3s

Alt: 1510m

Speed: 289.1m/s

3. Coasting

After the motor burns out, the rocket slows until reaching it’s maximum altitude.

T +15s

Alt: 2877m

Speed: 64m/s

4. Apogee

Luminis reaches it’s maximum altitude.

T +23.2s

Alt: 3187.1m

Speed: 0m/s

5. Drogue Descent

The drogue parachute deploys to slow the rocket.

T +24.2s

Alt: 3175m

Speed: 29.8m/s

6. Main Descent

The main parachute deploys, further slowing the rocket.

T +116.9s

Alt: 438m

Speed: 7.4m/s

7. Touchdown

The rocket makes contact with the ground and the avionics sends live telemetry to aid in recovery.

T +162.3s

Alt: 0m

Speed: 0m/s


Maximum Altitude: 3187.1 m (10456 ft)

Length : 2.75m (9ft)

Diameter: 13.2cm (0.43ft)

Wet Mass: 22.46kg (49.5lbs)

Motor: Cesaroni 8187M1545-P

Total Impulse: 8,186.7 Ns

Maximum Velocity: 289.1 m/s (948 ft/s)

Flight Time: 162.3s

Avionics Bay

COTS Avionics

Blue Raven



Backup Deployment

Featherweight GPS

GPS Tracking

SRAD Avionics

Void Lake Fusion 4

Secondary Backup Deployment & GPS Tracking


Strain Gauges Logging

Hestia V1

Under Voltage Lockout & Short Circuit Protection


Luminis V2 made a safe return thanks to its dual deployment recovery system.

Recovery Gear

Drogue Parachute:

Diameter: 3ft

Drogue Descent Rate: 29.8m/s

Model: Rocketman Pro-Experimental Drogue Parachute

Main Parachute:

Diameter: 14ft

Main Descent Rate: 7.4m/s

Model: Rocketman Standard Low-Porosity Parachute

Shock Cords:

Length: 30ft

Material: Braided Kevlar

Maximum Load: 5,300lbs

Dual Deployment System

Drogue Deployment

Altitude: 3175m

Site of Separation: Body tube and motor tube

Main Deployment

Altitude: 438m

Site of Separation: Nose cone and body tube

Ejection System

Energetics: FFFg black powder

Charge Quantity: 6 total, 3 per parachute

Black Powder Masses

Main Primary: 2.9g

Main Backup 1: 3.3g

Main Backup 2: 3.8g

Drogue Primary: 3.8g

Drogue Backup 1: 4.4g

Drogue Backup 2: 5.0g


This year, Luminis proudly featured an advanced camera system that recorded the entire flight experience at Launch Canada, capturing stunning visuals from the moment of takeoff all the way to the tree-assisted touchdown.

Watch the results of Mac Rocketry’s first payload here!

Technical Specifications


For Mac Rocketry’s first payload, we wanted to launch a camera in the payload bay to collect video footage of our flight for

  1. Increased insight on flight path

  2. Marketing promotional material and community engagement

  3. Experience integrating a technical payload into the rocket for first time

Camera specs:

RunCAM Split 4 Camera

  • 2.7K@60fps resolution

  • 140 degree field of view

  • Powered by 9.6V NiMH battery switched on with signal from avionics and N-channel logic level MOSFET

All mounted with PETG 3D printed mounts to Aluminum 6061 bulkheads